Saturday, June 25, 2011


The leadership seminar is being a blessing in the lives of participants, staff and coordinators, as well as to the YWAM Penang, Malaysia.

We have experienced a renewal from the Lord while hearing Ian Muir and Allan Lim ministering in class besides the comments of the participants who has given an special spice to these moments.
Listening to leaders in the class has enriched our lives with hearts devoted to follow in getting to know God and make Him known to everyone, everywhere through every opportunity.
Repentance of sins, prayer and intercession on a life of worship to Jesus has been the key words for this time. Community life has been presented as a life that values ​​the individual in conexion to nurture good relationships creating the good environment for the well being of all.

The first week has passed, however, much more the Lord is preparing for us here.

Friday, June 17, 2011


Jesus said: “APART FROM ME YOU CAN DO NOTHING” John 15:5. I have seeing what Jesus spoke a long time ago being true today into ministry to the people of Seurtulan. Because without Him being along side of the team and myself personally we could not do what He made us got finish. I know that we still have things to be done here but in my heart I am in peace and ready to move on. It’s hard to leave because of the love that He gave to me for the people of Seurtulan, however, as Jesus said too: “Let us go somewhere else – to the nearby villages – so I can preach there also. That is why I have come” Mark 1:38. After almost 3 years working here we have left 29 houses complete build and a group of disciples around 25 people that often participate with us into our meetings and one close disciple – Orlando, who started to take position as a leader. A Timorese pastor has received a love from God to this people and is coming often to assist them. I praise God for His faithfulness and love that have transform this community and my life forever!